I'm pretty new to US politics, but I'd try my hand at the recent Netanyahu speech at the US Congress, pleading for no Iran nuclear deal rather than what he expects to be a bad deal for Israel, the Middle-East and the whole world.
I think that event was a hindrance for negociators, a mistake for Netanyahu and an embarassement for Obama, but a clear win for Boehner.
Here's the breakdown of my thoughts:
Negociators: Netanyahu's coming in the Capitol was criticized as meddling with US foreign policy even before he uttered a single word. That may put pressure on negociators not to adopt Netanyahu's point of view to disprove any influence, even if they were planning to adopt a similar stance.
Netanyahu: With a reelection approaching, the effectiveness of his speech on US action may fall into scrutiny. According to the above scenario, an israeli backfire may result because the speech would be self-defeating, i. e. provoking the opposite of what it was defending because it was defending it in the wrong context.
Obama: Following the mid-term elections and the seizure of both Congress' Houses by Republicans, he's been seen arm-wrestling with Capitol Hill on many issues including Medicare expansion and immigration. This stunt can be construed as yet another authority challenge from Capitol Hill, and he rightfully tried to minimize the impact of the speech afterwards. Still, it's bad news after bad news.
Boehner: He is making a heavy use of his newfound edge over the White House, as he should given his reelection as House Speaker. This invitation shows how much pressure he can apply on the executive power while garnering pro-Israel support in one fell swoop. A clear win for him.