Divine right-based monarch of the Refuge, PHP Wizard, Great Spell Checker and full time procrastinator, I'm the one you would have wanted to be if I had worked a little harder. In the end I'm only managing to be funny and ridiculous, often both at the same time.
Hi, I'm Ertaï.
Well, not anymore really. Ertaï was the pseudonym I chose when I got Internet in 2002, since I had to choose a username to register on a forgotten website. In those days, I was playing Magic: The Gathering© a lot, and in its storyline, Ertaï is a character I like a lot, as well as his card. In short, it's a prententious wizard with a big potential, and I felt I was connected to him back then. That's the username I naturally chose when I registered on the Refuge in 2003, and I stuck to it since.
Meanwhile, I got a little older, I met my wife and we gave each other funny names. She would become Marceline and I would be Hypolite, with a common surname, Petovan. From then on I would be known as hypolite Petovan on any new website I would register on, which would help with duplicates, since Ertaï was already pretty popular. But here, I'm still and I will always be Ertaï. You can find a Hypolite roaming around on the refuge, but he just is a doppelganger helping me see the Refuge through a normal member's eyes.
Duties on the Refuge
I'm carrying several duties here on the Refuge that makes me your principal interlocutor in the following situations:
- Administrator: Contact me in case of a dispute with a moderator or with another member if no moderator is available.
- Webmaster: Display or navigation bug, technical or visual suggestion? I will (maybe) take care of it if you post it in the suggestions page.
- Editor: If you have any question about what to write and how to write it on the website, I'm there to help..
- Grammar Nazi: You would like to write but you are afraid of the spelling mistakes you make? I can help you with a commented correction of your drafts. Meanwhile, make sure to check the Spelling FAQ.
T'inquiète, je me rappelle que c'était une super d'idée, qui marchait du tonnerre, mais gardée en réserve au cas où... Sauf qu'aussi... Dommage que notre QG c'est fait démantelé
Editer des vieux posts ?
Meme ça, ça doit pouvoir ce classifier ...
Redis, juste pour voir... '
Mais il reste encore l'Autre Solution! Tu sais, celle que j'ai proposé l'été dernier...
Celle-La, Elle marche à coup sûr! *wink wink*
Ouais, en plus, le QG est maintenant inopérant depuis la mise à jour du système de classification des contenus... -_-
T'es bien le seul
Et non sbire, c'est une mauvaise idée, il suffirait de clicker sur les nouveaux contenus pour le voir s'afficher...
Je m'aime
Je craque !
Tiens!! Mais on peut faire presque un QG parrallèle en postant sur un profil-fantôme...
Sinon, Ertaï, meneur des modérateur, programmeur de la meur (mort, mais meur, ça fait plus peur), serviteur absoluuuuuuu, plus gros posteur, et surtout, il met depuis longetemps en œuvre une politique pour prendre le pouvoir d'aeries!!!!!!!
Ave Grand Magos Phpéiste